Frequently Asked

Can I refund my ticket? + -

We understand that life can be unpredictable, but please note that we have a no refund policy stated on our Eventbrite sales page. If you're unable to attend, contact [email protected] to reschedule your tickets for one of the new dates listed on our Eventbrite page. It's important to note that if you request to move your ticket after the event, there will be an additional $25 fee to reschedule.

Can children join Karmably sessions? + -

Bring your little ones to our events! Children aged 5 and up are more than welcome to join in on the fun. If your child requires supervision, please ensure that you provide it so that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time

What time should arrive to the event? + -

To ensure a smooth start to the event, we recommend arriving 20 minutes early to find parking. Don't worry, Eventbrite will send you a helpful reminder email with the location on Google Maps prior to the event. Can't wait to see you there! 

Do I need to bring my own yoga mat? + -

Leave your yoga mat at home! We've got you covered with our mats provided for you. Of course, feel free to bring your own if you prefer. 

Where can I find the photos that were taken from the event? + -

Want to relive the excitement of the event? Check out our Facebook page for action shots! If you follow Karmably Events on Facebook, please be patient as it can take up to 1-2 weeks for photos to be published. Thanks for your understanding and we can't wait to share the memories with you! 

How many people can attend the event? + -

  • For an unforgettable experience at Karmably Events, we limit our events to 30-35 people per session. This ensures that everyone gets quality time and makes memories they'll cherish forever. Thanks for understanding and we can't wait to see you at our next event! 

Frequently Asked

Can I refund my ticket? + -

We understand that life can be unpredictable, but please note that we have a no refund policy stated on our Eventbrite sales page. If you're unable to attend, contact [email protected] to reschedule your tickets for one of the new dates listed on our Eventbrite page. It's important to note that if you request to move your ticket after the event, there will be an additional $25 fee to reschedule.

Can children join Karmably sessions? + -

Bring your little ones to our events! Children aged 5 and up are more than welcome to join in on the fun. If your child requires supervision, please ensure that you provide it so that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time

What time should arrive to the event? + -

To ensure a smooth start to the event, we recommend arriving 20 minutes early to find parking. Don't worry, Eventbrite will send you a helpful reminder email with the location on Google Maps prior to the event. Can't wait to see you there! 

Do I need to bring my own yoga mat? + -

Leave your yoga mat at home! We've got you covered with our mats provided for you. Of course, feel free to bring your own if you prefer. 

Where can I find the photos that were taken from the event? + -

Want to relive the excitement of the event? Check out our Facebook page for action shots! If you follow Karmably Events on Facebook, please be patient as it can take up to 1-2 weeks for photos to be published. Thanks for your understanding and we can't wait to share the memories with you! 

How many people can attend the event? + -

  • For an unforgettable experience at Karmably Events, we limit our events to 30-35 people per session. This ensures that everyone gets quality time and makes memories they'll cherish forever. Thanks for understanding and we can't wait to see you at our next event!